
Critical Reflection

  How do your products represent social groups or issues? My project shows the drastic effect that anxiety can have on your life. The overwhelming list of things to do overtook Jack to a place of no return. The number of things he had to do got to be too much which is what happens to a lot of people in the everyday life. The film shows what people go through when they are overwhelmingly attacked by various different things to do. It's almost or is a great example of life and how hard it is. So overall our film shows the dark side of what life can bring people to do. The anxiety of having a lot of things on your plate that's overwhelming. The social group of the people who commit suicide also relates to our film. This is a relation due to the stresses of life that they have been enduring. Which ultimately leads to taking their life showing once again the drastic effects of life. Ever since the earth was round and people were on this planet many people have taken their li

Short Film Package

 I would like to say I loved the process that it took to create the short film. Being a director once again was a fun experience for me. I hope you can enjoy the finished product my group and I have made. Below is the film itself, our website, and postcard. Website:   Postcard:  A

Filming Day 2

 We have completed filming at no better time. We went to Carter Park this afternoon and just got to recording. In a some scenes neither I nor the actors could record so I did use my little brother to record some scenes. Kind of frustrating at times but we got through the day. 

Filming Day 1

 Finally I have begun filming this week. Filming started off with the classroom and hall scenes. It was the beginning of the coldest week we’ve had in South Florida so I decided to do this instead of the track scenes. 

Filming Delays

 As predicted the weather has been detrimental to the filming schedule. It’s been raining a lot lately and powerful winds along with it too. While we can film the indoor scenes; travel has been impossible for the actor. We have decided that it would be best to just delay it to another time this or next week. This will give me some time however to plan the filming out some more. I have been highlighting the lines and actions to consider for me and the actor. In order to do so I had two copies of the script printed out and highlighted for us both. This will make things easier I believe when it comes acting out the scenes. 

Filming Decisions

 Today it was decided that I will be filming the short film scenes. Being the director I have to consider everything about the film ahead of time. I only have one person interested in acting in the short film. So in order for the scenes to be recorded I will also become an actor as well. Recording the scenes will have to be the job of me and the actor. We will have to alternate filming one another based on some of the scenes. Some scenes however require both the actor and I to appear in the scenes so I will have to find someone to film some parts. In addition to filming the scenes I will also have to voice record some lines which are only the thoughts of the character. You may ask, will this be a difficult task? Of course I think it will be a bit difficult but I believe I can get through the filming process easily. This week we will begin filming, although the weather has been unpredictable lately. Continuously raining and temperatures are dropping and rising consistently throughout th

Getting Costumes Together

 In "Jack" there is a multitude of scenes that require different clothing. For example, the classroom scenes with different students and teachers. With the amount of actors that are available for the film; a lot of parts will have to be played by the same person. Taking a page out of the book of youtubers and personalities I have seen over the years do the same, it was not difficult at all to come up with the costumes. For the teacher roles I have put together some different smart shirts. One blue, one white, and one black. Of course for each teacher there has to be a different style to make the characters more unique. That's why the smart shirts are not the only costumes I have for the teachers depending on if during filming I change the viewpoint n the teacher. The different actors can decide how they want the character to be. For the multiple student roles I have some shirts and jeans together for the actors. I believe that this short film filming process will be a lot